Shradha Ghosh – Founder

Years of Experience
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Trained Professional Students
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Big Audit Experience
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The stage is all set,
walls already pulled down,
the countdown has begun…
Yes, the hour has come !

Dread or Dare,
Fall or Fly
Accept or Deny
the choice is yours,

Shatter the glass ceiling
or choose the coziness of your comfort zone,
Climb up the hackneyed ladder  step by step,
or just dart to seek the new horizons.

Fall you may,
But what’s the regret?
Life is lived but once,
then why not follow your own quest.


I sat for my CPA exams after I joined my first corporate job. Those days we had to travel to US to take this paper. I remember walking out of the examination hall after each exam with a feeling that it won’t work out and even started making plans of visiting US next time to write the papers!

To my amazement, I cleared all the four papers in first shot, and with good grades! Looking back, I now realise that my biggest strength was the conceptual clarity I had on each topic and the fact that I could link one subject to another with great ease.

Pixalearn is born with a deep desire to help you “cross the boundary” in your professional life. Our aim is to build the conceptual base that will enable you to clear the professional exams you choose, in the least possible time. ‘Time’ is the most valuable resource as a working professional and we do realise it.

You have taken the most difficult step-of stepping out of your comfort zone, and darting for a new horizon. Let’s make you fly!

Good luck!

What is our guiding philosophy?


“Concept once understood is common sense”.

I have always believed in this quote throughout my journey as a student, an academic and a mentor. Almost anything that you wish to learn can be modularised, i.e. broken down into simple bite size pieces and mastered so that the pieces become a part of your psyche and very soon you can juxtapose these pieces with almost any topic and arrive at the comprehensive whole on your own- voila! it is now a part of your common sense.

Pixalearn is born with a desire to train budding professionals in a way that is relatable, using story telling in the form of case studies- so that what you learn today helps you not only to clear your exams but stays with you throughout your life. The course has been designed to answer the ‘Why’s?’ as in “Why do we need a Balance Sheet?” or “Why was there a need to bring the changes in the lease standard?”. The How’s somehow are never that difficult if the Why’s are understood in the first place. The methodology of teaching adopted is such that you are forced to think before delving into a topic. You are surprised when you arrive at the answers yourself!

Topics are covered from absolute basics not assuming any prior learning. This is in recognition of the fact that many professionals taking up these courses are out of touch with studies for a considerable time.

There has never been a better time than this to embark on your upskilling journey. We look forward to be a part of your journey and I bet it will be a heck of a ride!



Our Teaching Methodology

See what you think”- is the mantra behind our teaching methodology. Our mind is attuned to recognising patterns and if we could use this to develop problem solving in the exams, our task becomes easier. Our teaching style uses a lot of graphs, charts and figures to put concepts in cohesive patterns in our brains which helps you visualise a problem and arrive at solutions easily.

The CPI Model

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So, how does CPI work?

Step 1- CPI-We take case studies to discuss a real situation e.g. practical use of Other Comprehensive Income via banking case studies or studying incorrect revenue recognition in case of Enron or Satyam or playing an app based game to understand how internal control and fraud prevention concepts really work. This helps in understanding the practical relevance of what we are studying and also establishing the ‘Why’ before we embark on a topic e.g. why did we need a standard on Revenue Recognition?

Step 2- CPI-We take comprehensive problems in the class to discuss the concept in its entirety- for CPA this generally means a simulation problem. For EA, examples are chosen to study a topic through a series of MCQ questions that builds the concept in a practical way. What this does is bring a practical approach to a problem i.e.  the concept is no longer theory. You have a reference point to go back to whenever you are stuck.

Step 3- CPI– Learning is effective only when you can modularise it, assimilate it and know how and where to use it. The best part of this approach is that it blurs the boundaries between topics and builds interfaces that help you to correlate topics e.g. “how US tax laws deal with formation of a C Corp” can be related to “how US GAAP deals with transfer of assets while forming C Corps” or let’s say “How is revenue recognition defined in US GAAP” can be easily linked to “What should you do as an auditor to recognise incorrect revenue recognition?”. Before you know it, you are linking US GAAP to US TAX to Auditing and Finance. When you reach that stage, our job is done!